Evolving Artistry
Image Processing
Game of Life
Genetic Algorithm
Used Genetic Algorithm and Conway’s Game of Life to generate unique artworks!
Image Processing
Desktop Application
Software with a clean and simplistic user interface, which allows a user to inscribe a digital color image with passcode protected messages.
Underwater Detection
Object Detection
Image Enhancement
Underwater Image Enhancement and Object Detection using MIRNet and YOLO algorithms.
Comparing VGG Models
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Computer Vision
Custom Implementation of VGG 1 Block, VGG 3 Block, VGG 16 and MLP 18 for a detailed comparative study.
Image Processing
Desktop Application
Simple and effective application software that for altering the theme/color-scheme of an image.
October Virtual Mouse
Virtual Assistant
Voice Recognition
October is a virtual assistant for controlling the mouse pointer using only voice commands.
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