Histogram Matching from Scratch

Image Processing
Custom Implementation of the Histogram Matching Algorithm from Scratch

Soumyaratna Debnath


October 20, 2023


Importing the necessary libraries

# Importing the libraries
import numpy as np
import os 
import cv2 # used only for loading the image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # used only for displaying the image

Defining the required functions

# this function is responsible for calculating the histogram of an image
def calculate_histogram(image, num_bins=256):
    histogram = np.zeros(num_bins, dtype=np.int32) # initialize the histogram
    for pixel_value in image.ravel(): # ravel() returns a contiguous flattened array
        histogram[pixel_value] += 1 # increment the count of the pixel value
    return histogram # return the histogram

# this function is responsible for calculating the normalized histogram of an image
def calculate_normalized_histogram(image, num_bins=256):
    histogram = calculate_histogram(image, num_bins) # calculate the histogram
    sum_of_histogram = np.sum(histogram) # sum of all the pixel values
    histogram = histogram / sum_of_histogram # normalize the histogram
    return histogram # return the normalized histogram

# this function is responsible for calculating the cumulative histogram of an image
def calculate_cumulative_histogram(histogram):
    sum_of_histogram = np.sum(histogram) # sum of all the pixel values
    histogram = histogram / sum_of_histogram # normalize the histogram
    cumulative_histogram = np.zeros(histogram.shape, dtype=np.float32) # initialize the cumulative histogram
    cumulative_histogram[0] = histogram[0] 
    for i in range(1, histogram.shape[0]): # calculate the cumulative histogram
        cumulative_histogram[i] = cumulative_histogram[i - 1] + histogram[i]
    return cumulative_histogram # return the cumulative histogram
# opeining the images in grayscale and storing them in a list
image_folder_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'Dataset', 'histogram_matching')
image_set = []
for image_name in os.listdir(image_folder_path): # iterate over all the images in the folder
    img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(image_folder_path, image_name), cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) # read the image in grayscale
    image_set.append(img) # append the image to the list
# this function is responsible for displaying the images and their histograms
def visualize_histograms(image_set, figsize=(15, 9), image_titles=None):
    plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # set the figure size

    for i, image in enumerate(image_set): # iterate over all the images
        histogram = calculate_histogram(image) # calculate the histogram of the image
        normalized_histogram = calculate_normalized_histogram(image) # calculate the normalized histogram of the image
        cumulative_histogram = calculate_cumulative_histogram(histogram) # calculate the cumulative histogram of the image
        plt.subplot(3, len(image_set), i + 1) # display the image
        plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')
        plt.title(image_titles[i], fontsize=10)

        plt.subplot(3, len(image_set), i + 1 + len(image_set)) # display the histogram
        plt.bar(range(256), normalized_histogram, width=1.0)
        plt.title('Normalized Histogram ('+image_titles[i]+')', fontsize=8)
        plt.xlabel('Pixel Value', fontsize=8)
        plt.ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=8)

        plt.subplot(3, len(image_set), i + 1 + 2 * len(image_set)) # display the cumulative histogram
        plt.title('Cumulative Histogram ('+image_titles[i]+')', fontsize=8)
        plt.xlabel('Pixel Value', fontsize=8)
        plt.ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=8)


# displaying the images and their histograms
visualize_histograms(image_set, image_titles=['Image 0', 'Image 1', 'Image 2', 'Image 3'])

Implementing the algorithm

# this function is responsible for matching the histogram of an image to the histogram of a reference image
def match_histograms(image, reference_image):
    mapping = get_mapping(image, reference_image) # get the mapping
    matched_image = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.uint8) # initialize the matched image
    for i in range(image.shape[0]): # match the image
        for j in range(image.shape[1]):
            matched_image[i, j] = mapping[image[i, j]]
    return matched_image # return the matched image

# this function is responsible for matching the histogram of an image to the histogram of a reference image
def get_mapping(image, reference_image, gray_levels=256):
    histogram = calculate_histogram(image) # calculate the histogram of the image
    cumulative_histogram = calculate_cumulative_histogram(histogram) # calculate the cumulative histogram of the image
    reference_histogram = calculate_histogram(reference_image) # calculate the histogram of the reference image
    reference_cumulative_histogram = calculate_cumulative_histogram(reference_histogram) # calculate the cumulative histogram of the reference image

    mapping = np.zeros(gray_levels) # initialize the mapping
    for pixel_value in range(gray_levels):
        old_value = cumulative_histogram[pixel_value] # get the cumulative histogram of the image
        temp = reference_cumulative_histogram - old_value # get the difference between the cumulative histogram of the reference image and the cumulative histogram of the image
        new_value = np.argmin(np.abs(temp)) # get the index of the minimum value in the difference
        mapping[pixel_value] = new_value # map the pixel value to the new value
    return mapping # return the mapping
# performing histogram matching and displaying the images and their histograms
def histogram_matching_and_visualization(image, reference_image, visualize=True): 
    matched_image = match_histograms(image, reference_image) # match the histogram of the image to the histogram of the reference image
    image_set = [image, reference_image, matched_image] 
    image_titles = ['Source Image', 'Target Image', 'Matched Image']
    if visualize:
        visualize_histograms(image_set, image_titles=image_titles) # display the images and their histograms   
    return matched_image # return the matched image  
matching = histogram_matching_and_visualization(image_set[0], image_set[1])  

matching = histogram_matching_and_visualization(image_set[3], image_set[2])

matching = histogram_matching_and_visualization(image_set[1], image_set[3])   

matching = histogram_matching_and_visualization(image_set[2], image_set[0])

Analysis of the obtained resutls

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import entropy
from skimage.metrics import structural_similarity as ssim
from skimage.metrics import peak_signal_noise_ratio as psnr

def calculate_image_statistics(original_image, target_image, matched_image):
    # Calculate Mean and Standard Deviation
    mean_original = np.mean(original_image)
    std_original = np.std(original_image)

    mean_target = np.mean(target_image)
    std_target = np.std(target_image)

    mean_matched = np.mean(matched_image)
    std_matched = np.std(matched_image)

    # Calculate SSIM
    ssim_score = ssim(original_image, matched_image)

    # Create a dictionary to store the statistics
    statistics = {
        "Original Mean": mean_original,
        "Original Standard Deviation": std_original,
        "Target Mean": mean_target,
        "Target Standard Deviation": std_target,
        "Matched Mean": mean_matched,
        "Matched Standard Deviation": std_matched,
        "SSIM Score (Source vs Matched)": ssim_score,

    return statistics
matching = histogram_matching_and_visualization(image_set[0], image_set[1], visualize=True)
statistics = calculate_image_statistics(image_set[0], image_set[1], matching)
for key, value in statistics.items():
    print(f"{key}: {value}")

Original Mean: 80.04150772094727
Original Standard Deviation: 68.48801554947227
Target Mean: 126.48823547363281
Target Standard Deviation: 69.12917387622817
Matched Mean: 130.7914924621582
Matched Standard Deviation: 62.277325624710976
SSIM Score (Source vs Matched): 0.6362629163593398

Mean and Standard Deviation

The original image has a mean of approximately 80.04 and a standard deviation of approximately 68.49. The target image has a mean of approximately 126.49 and a standard deviation of approximately 69.13. After the histogram matching process, the matched image has a mean of approximately 130.79 and a standard deviation of approximately 62.27. Interpretation: The means have shifted towards each other after histogram matching, but the standard deviations have not changed significantly.

SSIM Score

The Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) score between the original and matched images is approximately 0.636. Interpretation: An SSIM score of 1 indicates a perfect match. A score of 0.636 suggests that the matched image is reasonably similar to the original but not a perfect match.

matching = histogram_matching_and_visualization(image_set[1], image_set[3], visualize=True)
statistics = calculate_image_statistics(image_set[1], image_set[3], matching)
for key, value in statistics.items():
    print(f"{key}: {value}")

Original Mean: 126.48823547363281
Original Standard Deviation: 69.12917387622817
Target Mean: 102.53508758544922
Target Standard Deviation: 90.99119020648051
Matched Mean: 102.81129837036133
Matched Standard Deviation: 90.91224212665476
SSIM Score (Source vs Matched): 0.6144812508253021

Mean and Standard Deviation

The original image has a mean of approximately 126.49 and a standard deviation of approximately 69.13. The target image has a mean of approximately 102.54 and a standard deviation of approximately 90.99. After the histogram matching process, the matched image has a mean of approximately 102.81 and a standard deviation of approximately 90.91. Interpretation: Both the means and standard deviations have shifted towards the target image each other after histogram matching.

SSIM Score

The Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) score between the original and matched images is approximately 0.615. Interpretation: The matched image is reasonably similar to the original, but it may not be a perfect match.
